
Mahashri Ranjith Kumar for The Global Solutions Diary - a community-generated library of climate change solution stories

August 29, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Mahashri Ranjith Kumar, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India

How (and why) are you taking action on climate change solutions in, for, and with your community?

Mahashri Ranjith Kumar: Hello, my name is Mahri and I'm a high school student from India. So why am I taking action on climate change solutions in my community? It is a question that hits close to home for me. And it's all about recognizing that the urgent need for climate action and the profound impact it has on our lives with now and in the future, I believe that every single one of us have a crucial role to play in shaping the future of our planet because climate change isn't just some distant problem for future generations to worry about. It is a present reality. It is affecting everything from the air we breathe to the food we eat, to the places we call home. And as a young person, it is deeply concerning to see the world around us changing so rapidly often for the worse. Well, what am I doing about it in my community? We've started small but impactful initiatives, whether it's organizing beach cleanups, promoting recycling programs or implementing rainwater harvesting. Each step we take towards sustainability is a step towards a brighter healthier future for all of us. And you know what's amazing, it's not just about what I'm doing alone. It's about what we're doing together as a community. But here's the thing, while the scale of the challenges can sometimes feel overwhelming, I firmly believe that every action, no matter how small counts, it's about recognizing that we all have a stake in this fight and that by working together, we can achieve so much more than we could alone. So when I think about why I'm taking action in climate change solutions, it's because I refuse to sit idly by while our planet suffers. It's because I believe in the power of unity to drive meaningful change and create a better world for ourselves and future generations. And above all, it's because I know that our actions today will shape the world we live in tomorrow. Thank you.

Who or what inspires/inspired you to care about climate change and climate solutions?

Mahashri Ranjith Kumar: Hello, my name is Masri and I'm a high school student from India. So this is a question that takes me back to my childhood days where I grew up surrounded by the wonders of nature, lush forests, crystal clear rivers and vibrant ecosystems teeming with life. But it wasn't just about the beauty of the natural world that captivated me. It was the realization that this delicate balance was under great threat. I remember watching documentaries and reading articles about the impacts of climate change from melting ice caps, disappearing species all the way to communities that have hit hard by extreme weather conditions. It was all almost like a wake up call, a stark reminder that the actions we take today have far reaching consequences for the world we will inherit tomorrow. But it wasn't just fear or concern that inspired me. It was hope, hope, and the resilience of nature in the power of human innovation and in the collective action of people coming together to make a difference. I was inspired by the scientists studying climate change, the activists fighting for environmental justice communities leading the transition to a more sustainable future and the common people making the smallest sustainable differences as they possibly can. And as I grew older, that inspiration only grew stronger. I saw young people like Greta Thunberg and youth climate strikers demanding a bold action from world leaders. I saw entrepreneurs developing clean energy technologies. I saw policymakers crafting ambitious climate policies. And most importantly, I saw ordinary people like you and me taking small steps in our daily lives to reduce our carbon footprint and protect the planet we call home. What keeps me inspired is the belief that together we can overcome the greatest challenge of our time and build a more sustainable equitable world for generations to come. And it is the hope that drives me to keep fighting, keep advocating and keep working towards a brighter future.

Produced with Vocal Video