
Karithi Josphat for The Global Solutions Diary - a community-generated library of climate change solution stories

September 04, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Karithi Josphat, Njoro, Nakuru, Kenya

How (and why) are you taking action on climate change solutions in, for, and with your community?

Karithi Josphat: Ok. Hello everyone. I'm Kat from Kenya. And uh I'm interested in the topic of climate change because it has really affected my community because we really depend on on agriculture. So I'm planning to do and focusing by educating the farmers who are really the women through helping them understand the meteorological data and weather, weather data so that they can know what type of crop to plant and uh on how long will they expect, expect the rain. So and uh through this, I know they they will be able to diversify their lives by embracing other types of crops varieties which grow very, very, which takes a short period of time to grow so that they can have their other in time and uh so that they can have many varieties of sources of food so that they depend only on one type of crop, which is mainly me. And um the really good thing that inspires me in this is that I am the one who is being affected and I will be the one who will be affected even in the future. And also the good thing about it is that I am the person who have the solutions to do all this to or at or minimize the effect so that they won't affect me in the future. Yeah. And uh it is a good thing because together we can, and we can be able to do all things together. Thank you.

Who or what inspires/inspired you to care about climate change and climate solutions?

Karithi Josphat: The very true thing about the climate change is that we can change ourselves or change the environment where we live so that we can be well in harmony with each other. And uh the good inspiration about climate change is that I myself have been affected since I attend, I began to realize these things and that and I'm already being affected and still the good thing. I have the solutions about the climate change and I know how we can do it so that we can tell the other half of the story because we have really relied on the challenges. Yes, the solutions L lies or not. So with the information that I have that it will always affect me if I won't take the immediate actions, it really inspires me to be the change that I desire to see.

Produced with Vocal Video