
Frederico Molina for The Global Solutions Diary - a community-generated library of climate change solution stories

August 29, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Frederico Molina, Heber, California, United States

How (and why) are you taking action on climate change solutions in, for, and with your community?

Frederico Molina: Hi, my name is Frederico Molina. I am a student in the Imperial Valley. The Imperial Valley is a small border community in southern California. Uh I want to take action on climate change because I believe in the power of resilient communities. Um Climate change is a global pheno phenomenon but its impacts can be seen locally. One of the ways that climate change has impacted my region is through water consumption. Um The Imperial Valley is a, the region that heavily relies on the Colorado River for utility as well as agricultural production. And uh over the years, the Colorado River has been depleting uh do part uh to the ongoing drought in California. And this has been exacerbated by climate by climate change. And I feel as though uh resiliency is important um moving forward and my community um deserves a sustainable and equitable future. Um I would like to develop my skills and advocacy and um community outreach to be an effective change maker in my community and bring about that resilient future. Uh Did you? So I've had the privilege of working with a organization called FX B uh which has a program called Climate advocates. Um Their goal is to um give students knowledge and tools to create a meaningful change in their communities. And hopefully I can do that. One of the key features of the program is a climate action project um based on, on climate solutions. So hopefully, I will have a chance of proving myself that I can be an effective change maker.

Produced with Vocal Video