
Esther Enow Laetitia Egbenchong II for The Global Solutions Diary - a community-generated library of climate change solution stories

August 29, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Esther Enow Laetitia Egbenchong II , Buea, Southwest Region of Cameroon

How (and why) are you taking action on climate change solutions in, for, and with your community?

Esther Enow Laetitia Egbenchong II : Hello everyone. Good afternoon. My name is Esther in Leticia. I'm a Cameroonian, currently residing in the southwest region of Cameroon and I'm a graduate student and a climate advocate. So when food waste are dumped in L fuel and when it rots it produces methane gas, which is 25 times more potent than a normal carbon dioxide gas. So with all this happening in mind, community, I decided to come up with a small initiative known as the Community Composite Initiative for Climate Action where I sensitize people about the importance of adopting composite practices with the aim of mitigating climate change. So how do I contribute to climate change? Firstly, I contribute to climate change by educating a local community on the importance of adopting composite practices because by adopting composite practices, they will be able to reduce the amount of organic waste and therefore mitigate climate change. Secondly, to engagement. So I partner with some nongovernmental organizations that are involved in composing initiative. And thirdly, I disseminate information through my social media platforms. For example, youtube to the wider audience interested in composting for the benefit of environmental sustainability. And lastly, I organize workshops, webinars, educational sessions in schools, colleges and universities where I pass on knowledge to students who are interested in implementing COPOS initiative in their various neighborhoods. OK, so the reason why I'm interested in contributing to climate change and climate solution is simply because we do not have no other planet. Therefore, it is our full responsibility as climate advocates to cater for our environment, promote environmental sustainability, thereby limiting toxic emissions which will contribute to climate change. And the reason why I'm also contributing to climate change is simply because I am from a community whereby I have seen and witnessed a devastating effect of climate change on my community. So it is enough reason for me to participate in climate change.

Who or what inspires/inspired you to care about climate change and climate solutions?

Esther Enow Laetitia Egbenchong II : My name is Esther in a teacher. I'm a Cameroonian. I'm currently residing in the southwest region of Cameroon. I'm a graduate student and a climate advocate. So what inspires me to care so much about climate change is the fact that I grew up in a community that suffered from a lot of environmental problems with climate change being the number one environmental problem. So I witnessed the devastating effect climate change post on my community mostly on the how it impacted their livelihoods and caused a lot of devastating effect, especially on agriculture. So this is one of my biggest motivation for me as a climate advocate contributing to climate change. And also comment, I came up with this clever initiative of introducing community composite initiative for climate action in my community. I therefore believe that by bringing up this initiative, it is going to help my community to fight against climate change, give them some source of income. And also it would also help to make my community more resilient and sustainable. Thank you.

Produced with Vocal Video