
Emmanuel Uchechukwu Emerson for The Global Solutions Diary - a community-generated library of climate change solution stories

September 04, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Emmanuel Uchechukwu Emerson, Buea, Southwest Region, Cameroon

How (and why) are you taking action on climate change solutions in, for, and with your community?

Emmanuel Uchechukwu Emerson: Hello everyone. My name is Emmanuel L. Chiko Mai. I'm from Cameroon and I'm an environmental science. The I wanna share with you my amazing story on how I'm interested in the solutions for climate change and why I will start with the reason why as an environmental science student, I am passionate about the environment about sustainable development goals and to see that we have a, a better environment for now and for the future generation. Um one of the beautiful ways in which um incorporated to fight climate change is plastic pickup campaigns. We know that plastic pollution is a major factor that causes climate change because when these plastics are being incinerated or disposing of land fields, they get to release gasses, greenhouse gasses, which um affects the atmosphere. And that's one of the another way in which I I do is to plant trees. Most of the time people cut down trees in my community. And due to the fact that they get to cut down these trees, there are not enough trees to sink down the carbon in the atmosphere and this leads to climate change. And even in the world voluntarism, the international voluntarism day, we had a massive cleanup campaign. So as to release, reduce the amount gasses in the atmosphere. And lastly, one of the things I do is advocacy and sensitization. So as to orientate and create awareness to people in my community that they ought to plant trees and reduce the way in which they over deforest trees in our community. And that's how I've been trying in my lead way to fight climate change. Thank you.

Who or what inspires/inspired you to care about climate change and climate solutions?

Emmanuel Uchechukwu Emerson: Hello, everyone. My name is Emmanuel Uko Mason. I'm from Cameroon and I'm an environmental science student. I wanna share with you what inspires me to take in climate action as one of my pre sign our priority in this strife for sustainable development. The reason is because it, it, it sounds funny. The reason is because one time we had a, a difficult rainy season and in that season, it destroyed houses, a lot of things were affected. Meanwhile, that rainy season extended right on to the dry season and everybody was talking about the climate. How can rainy season be really intense in the dry season? What's happening is destroying our crops, is destroying houses and all of a sudden the neighbor of mine just woke up and said, hey, you're an environmentalist and you can't do anything about it. You guys just go around talking and saying things that you can't really do anything about it. And that was it for me. I was like, oh my God, there is something on at hand and I can't do anything about it. I go out saying I'm an environmentalist, you know, I studied this and that, but then I can't put much work on ground to advocate this situation at hand. And so that, that stuff that sounded like a provocation or like a push was what made me to take up this our priority, take up this, this this mandates of pushing in climate change solutions. And so with that, I decided to start working, I decided to start doing research, volunteering, carrying out activities because I, I know that as an environmental student, my goal out there is to take the environment seriously and bring forward solutions that will better the environment. And so with this in mind, I decided to put in the effort that is needed and see that my environment is better, not just for now but for the future generation. Thank you.

Produced with Vocal Video