
Blandina Grace Nankondwa for The Global Solutions Diary - a community-generated library of climate change solution stories

September 04, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Blandina Grace Nankondwa , Lilongwe, Malawi

How (and why) are you taking action on climate change solutions in, for, and with your community?

Blandina Grace Nankondwa : My name is Blandina Blandina Grace Nwa from Lung Mala. I'm interested in climate change solutions because recently in Malawi, we had S and Fredi which destroyed a lot of houses and I witnessed that firsthand. So after seeing that I realized that a lot of initiatives that are being done due to climate change, like solutions such as planting trees in, in disaster blown areas are done. But then they are not necessarily checked. That is to say the trees that are planted, we people don't see the survival of those trees. So I took it upon myself to like if I um I try to plant trees or I know people that plant trees, I usually go and then at least hope in ensuring that those tree are, those trees are growing.

Who or what inspires/inspired you to care about climate change and climate solutions?

Blandina Grace Nankondwa : My name is Blandina Grace nn. Go from Leon Mala. The recent 2023 2024 rainy season started with Fres here in Mala. And that reminds me of how the past experience has been. A lot of, a lot of farms being washed up by floods and whatnot. My, my mother had to experience that uh farm, her farm got washed out by, by these flats. Her whole farm got washed out and then I'm thinking this is an AAA country that's reliant on, it's an agrarian economy. But then if agriculture is not going to be done robbery, that means that it's not just about my mother who's a farmer, but all the farmers in the country. If they are going to experience that in the near future, we would be looking at hunger.

Produced with Vocal Video