
Anthony AD Banda for The Global Solutions Diary - a community-generated library of climate change solution stories

September 04, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Anthony AD Banda, Lilongwe, Malawi

How (and why) are you taking action on climate change solutions in, for, and with your community?

Anthony AD Banda: Greetings. My name is Antoinette Banda. I am a youth and human activist and also I'm a climate advocate based in Malawi, the home heart of Africa uh in my community, the resolution of climate action sounds uh it sounds deeply Malawi like many other countries. You know, there's the impact of climate change from electric weather patterns to decline of natural resources. But I manage these challenges. I refuse to remain silent instead I choose action. So the question is so why am I divulging my energy and passion, the crime in solution in my committee? Well, the answer is very simple. My country to Malawi is one of the most beautiful country that I've ever seen in my entire life. But under this attractive nation lies a reality, we cannot ignore. Our climate is changing, our environment is suffering and our communities are at risk. It is a reality that we cannot ignore a truth that requires only action. Therefore, I am on a mission to take action to stand as a guiding light of change, to guide my community towards a sustainable future in case

Who or what inspires/inspired you to care about climate change and climate solutions?

Anthony AD Banda: you're wondering who and what inspired me to get on this journey This journey is a story messed with las of resilience and determination. You know, growing up in Malawi, I said a poor country, a witness firsthand, the impact of climate change on vulnerable communities. I saw farmers struggling to feed their own farmers due to the unpredictable weather patterns. I saw Children facing a water scarcity and depressed over their own life to save on the environment. I saw families moved by natural disaster. Not only that I was also dead and diseases. And so I have had a choice, a choice to stand up for, to speak out and to take action. I chose to be the voice of the voiceless and the catalyst of change in my community. Because in the end, it's not just about me all my because we are not doing this for legacy. It's about the economic impact we can achieve when we come together with a shared purpose to fight a future where no one has to suffer the consequence of environmental negligence. So only in normal negative case, of course, we're also talking about human negative because we don't want us human to suffer and also our negative stuff. Talking about my passion for climate action was empowered indeed by the voice of this disregarded. I'm talking about the client of the earth in distress and the core to be the change you wish to see in the world. My journey, it's a journey fueled by purpose driven by compassion and looted in the belief that every action, no matter how big or how small the action is, but the action has the power to make difference together. I believe that I know hand in hand, let's embark on this journey towards a cleaner, more sustainable future for it is only by working together in unity and solidarity that we can truly make a difference. Lastly, let's note that we only have one mai one planet Earth. Therefore, let's not work against nature, but let's work with nature. My name is Antoine Edie, but now I speak, I take action. Thank you.

Produced with Vocal Video