
Anita Myriam Emma Kouassi for The Global Solutions Diary - a community-generated library

September 04, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Anita Myriam Emma Kouassi, Cotonou, Benin

How (and why) are you taking action on climate change solutions in, for, and with your community?

Anita Myriam Emma Kouassi: My journey has started though uh a 120 13 when I had been elected as the head of the Commission, Education, culture, Social Affairs and Technology of Information of the new Parliament of Benin. And uh I get started uh a short travel around many communities of Benin. Uh I would like to introduce myself briefly, very briefly. My name is Anita. I'm Emma. I'm 26 and uh I'm from Berlin so that uh by getting those travel around my country, I have um we make this uh difficulties and from some means from co operation from people in those uh uh old communities that needed to sort of form um poverty to sort of uh uh um food insecurity and leave the bad action against so love water and um uh animals. So to take care of the environment, that is why I very started getting training to help them by giving them the information and allow them to become ambassadors of. Uh just a comment. Thank you.

Who or what inspires/inspired you to care about climate change and climate solutions?

Anita Myriam Emma Kouassi: It was uh still less well known uh when it happened, the cop 21 in Paris and 2020 2015. Sorry. And uh I have um acknowledged the urgency of the situation of our planet in terms of climate change and the destruction of our world. And then um I have soon created intervention on the topic and and happily have been taken and hugs the problematic so that after have picking the emergency of this situation, I started to, to do many researches about the top North countries are really facing disasters due to climate change and atmosphere changing African countries are not for the moment, but more and more I can do that. I can acknowledge that we're sure the students should be formed on it and be a way to face those situations because it could happen at any time. Will be me a way. That is why I'm on it. Thank you.

Produced with Vocal Video