
Amone Wilfred for The Global Solutions Diary - a community-generated library of climate change solution stories

September 05, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Amone Wilfred , Student, Makerere University

How (and why) are you taking action on climate change solutions in, for, and with your community?

Amone Wilfred : Hi there, my name is Ammon Wilfrid. I am a Ugandan and currently I am a student uh pursuing bachelor's of science in land economics, particularly I come from a BM district. A BM district is uh one of the districts in Karamoja region. And luckily it had been one of the places in Karamoja region that had been receiving moderate rainfalls for over a long period of time. But due to climate changes of recently, the rainfall received in the area has been reducing significantly. Farmers could no longer do the agriculture and support their families. And all this is because of the poor cultural practices that have been practiced in the area like Jacob Bai shifting cultivations and many other more things. So me as a young person from the area, I have stood up and I've decided to and to come up with a, with a, with a group where we go to societies, we, we talk to people about climate change and how to mitigate them. We majorly focus on farmers and the young people where we talk to them and try to give them other solutions like Bush following so that they don't burn out the bushes in the, during dry seasons, carrying out afforestation, like getting other alternative means of fuel rather than using chaco primarily. That is what I've been doing of recently. And that is my story.

Who or what inspires/inspired you to care about climate change and climate solutions?

Amone Wilfred : Hello there. I am a, an Alfred. Uh I'm a Ugandan and I come from Karamo. Uh What inspires me is uh when I see people trying to bring out new solutions, like innovative ideas and trying to work on this climate issue, you know, the way uh me myself have been living, I totally different the way I feel. Now, long time ago, you used to find the area is cold. You play at night during the day, you don't feel any stress, but now these days you can't do that in the daytime. It is too hot in the night, it is too cold. You can't go out to play like some of that. Now, I try to imagine and project how our kids like the, the the generations to come are going to live. And I feel like I get inspired to do something, something to try to turn back things the way they used to be so that life could also be favorable for the, for the coming generation and for, for, for us all and we take care of everyone and everyone becomes safe. That's what inspires me and that's why I've taken action in climate action. I have taken a step in climate action trying to advocate and make things better for, for everyone. Thank you very much.

Produced with Vocal Video