
Adjei Ebenezer for The Global Solutions Diary - a community-generated library of climate change solution stories

August 29, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Adjei Ebenezer, Wassa Akropong, Western Region, Ghana

How (and why) are you taking action on climate change solutions in, for, and with your community?

Adjei Ebenezer: Hello, my name is AJ Beza from Ghana. I'm a climate advocate today. I would like to talk about why I chose to become a climate advocate. Several years ago. I didn't know what climate change about was about. I hear people talking about climate change, climate crisis, climate issues. So for me, it sounded so foreign and whenever I hear certain things, they were like chorus to me until recently, I went to the hospital. About a couple of years ago, I had a conversation between a doctor and a patient who are suffering from difficulty in breathing. One key thing I picked from the conversation was that the woman's issue was due to climate change. So I asked myself, what's climate change got to do with humans health? Then I didn't have any idea about what climate change was about. So I decided to do a research about what climate change has to do with human health. And to my surprise, I realized that climate change has a lot to do with us. Not only does it affect our breath, it affects our mental state. Everything that has to do with man, climate change has a way to play with it. So I decided to take it upon myself to also join those who are already preaching about this climate issue. So I started educating people visiting schools to educate them about climate change. Talk about it. When I meet people outside, I talk about climate issues, my friends, even my family and I'm happy, at least I'm also contributing to the fight against climate change. And now I could see some people are also changing their ways. Something that's surprise me was last year, we had a heavy rainfall and this torrential downpour to people's life, properties, animals and other stuffs. Then I realized that when we talk about climate change, it, it's not something to joke with. It is not something to take lightly is something very serious, which we need to give it massive attention. We all have to come together and fight against this thing called climate change. So today, I urge all of us to join the fight against climate change so we can all have a peaceful a existence. We can live peacefully with our family, our loved ones and everyone connected to us. Remember that climate change does not affect one person and leave the other. It's affecting the whole universe. It doesn't matter which part of the world you belong to climate change, impact across every part of the world. So I urge all of us to come together and fight against this crisis. Thank you.

Who or what inspires/inspired you to care about climate change and climate solutions?

Adjei Ebenezer: Hello. So I want to talk about what actually motivated me or inspired me to really become very active with this climate issue. Last year, it rained really heavy here in Ghana. We took so many lives, destroyed properties and other stuff myself. I witnessed a vehicle being washed away by the rain. And by the time I recovered the car, the person was dead, the car was damaged, also witnessed, witnessed three kids from school were also taken by the rainwater and died. It was a terrible thing to see. And since then seize then I decided to devote my time and everything to this climate action. So I've decided to form a team would be moving from community to community schools to schools so that the education about the climate change, the effects and everything about climate change. We can educate people really, really well about it because the impact is so massive. You can't even imagine if you witness what the impact is. You know, that climate change isn't something to play with, isn't something to take lightly. So I'm urging all of us to play a rule in helping solve this climate issue. We should practice the right activities which will help reduce the climate crisis. Educate people inform people about what the effect of climate change is, what causes climate change so that we can have a peaceful universe to reside in. Thank you.

Produced with Vocal Video