
Adechinan Roberto bamigbola for The Global Solutions Diary - a community-generated library of climate change solution stories

September 03, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Adechinan Roberto Bamigbola, Kétou, Plateau Department, Benin

How (and why) are you taking action on climate change solutions in, for, and with your community?

Adechinan Roberto Bamigbola: Good morning, everyone. My name is Bambola, Additional Roberto. I'm from Benin.

Adechinan Roberto Bamigbola: action in for and with your community? I can answer this in many ways. First of all, how in our community, we are, we are doing raising awareness and understanding. We, we can, we can translate climate related information into different language, making it access access to a wide audience. We can help people to understand the to compare issues, climate exchanges by summarizing research, analyzing data and providing different perspectives. Uh We are supporting Climate Action initiative. We, we, we, we can uh we can be used uh to communicate climate action uh initiative to the, to the and to build support for them. We are supporting climate action initative, we are forcing collaboration and innovation. We can connect people from different different bargains and discipline who are working on climate solutions. And we are using to generate to generate educational material for school and community group about climate change. We, we are doing, we are using to develop communication strategy to for climate action campaign. Uh So though, why uh we are doing uh we, we, we are doing all action because uh uh forest also in our community are degraded and uh a duration for drought and uh flood become low. And uh we can say it is so difficult. We need, we need to, to know a, we need to know our solution for doing medication and adaptation.

Who or what inspires/inspired you to care about climate change and climate solutions?

Adechinan Roberto Bamigbola: The the second question, who or what inspires you to care about climate change and climate solution. Uh I'm specialized on forest resource management and development of forest source. Every time in a school we are talking about climate change, the consequences, the cause. So to be because the reason that motivated me, first of all is a, is a overwhelming scientific consensus. The vast majority of science agree that climate change is a real human caused and a serious threat to humanity and to the planet. This consensus is deeply unburdened in the data I possess making it impossible to ignore the urgency of the problem. The potential of catastrophic consequences, climate change has the potential to cause widespread sulfur displacement and even a station learning about this potential. Consequently, motivates me to use my ability to support solutions and mitigate the risk, the ingenuity and resilience of human. I'm constantly learning about the incredible capacity for innovation and collaboration that human who says this giving me hope that we can find effective solutions to the climate crisis. If we work out together the positive impact of sustainable solution, addressing climate change often leads to co benefis such as climate, climate, uh healthy community and a more sustainable feature and destiny death. Positive outcome info, the importance of fighting solution. Essentially, I'm really motivated by the data I possess and the potential to use my ability to contribute to a positive, to a positive outcome for humanity and the planet. Thank you.

Produced with Vocal Video