
Global Legacy Missions - Nam

May 28, 2024

Nam Ho reports on how Reconciled World has been Activating God's Transformational Love around the world.

Video Transcript

Speaker: Nam and Anna Ho, Reconciled World - Global


Sharing God's transformational love around the world.

Nam and Anna Ho: Hi Activate Church! My name is Nam Ho. I am married to Anna Ho, who is not with me today and she is still travelling for work in Asia. At this moment, we are currently living in New Zealand, and spend half of the time travelling around the world for work. Our mission is to Equip Local Churches in Holistic Discipleship so that they will go out and show God's love to their community, to glorify God and see their community transformed by the Power of God.

What can we celebrate from your mission work in the past year?

Nam and Anna Ho: In the past years, we have seen God grow our ministry tremendously. We have signed with 24 partners around the world, with 2360 churches. One of the things that we are most excited about is that so many of those churches are in what we would call vulnerable areas. They are facing heavy persecution, or they are churches where the Pastor has only known Christ for two or three years. We signed, with a lot of new partner's in areas where there is just a lot of fear of persecution. Having that opportunity to work with Pastors who have had no other training, that are so desperate to have the training, is such a joy to us.

Where is one area you have seen transformation taking place from your mission work?

Nam and Anna Ho: One story we heard that really impacted us is from Congo. Traditionally, women have no education and don't work, so they are completely dependent on their husband to provide for them, when the husband didn't have sufficient money. In desperation, too many family's sold their daughters into prostitution so they would have the necessities to live. So the churches were concerned about this. They decided to teach these women to start businesses. They taught them how to make cleaning products. They raised the money, they provided them with the resources needed to make the products. As a result, these women had their own businesses and were able to provide for their family, and they no longer sell their children into prostitution. And The Church was seen as a beacon of hope in their community.

What do you wish more people knew about your ministry?

Nam and Anna Ho: One of the things that we want to do is to help people to see how powerful God is to bring transformation to the lives of vulnerable people. Too often, people have a very small image of God. They have limited expectation of what He can do, or wants to do for them. They miss that He is good, powerful and loving. But also we forget how majestic God is. We are limited in the ways that we are willing to serve and sacrifice for Him. We don't understand that God is worth all of our sacrifices and efforts, as we who serve in the church around the world and those who serve in the churches we partner with, grow in their understanding of how incredible God is. We see communities set free from poverty and brokenness, and as we learn to serve and sacrifice for one another, and pray big prayers for transformation. Looking to God for the answer as to what to do, God is able to do so much more than we can imagine.

What motivates you to love others?

Nam and Anna Ho: OK, well, what really make's us love others is because Christ loves us. God's amazing love for us is the one that inspires us to really love others. And I think we just see the incredible potential that God has put in each person. We really believe that God has called each person to have a role in his in building His Kingdom, whether they are poor or rich or whoever they are. And so we really believe that we have a role and a calling to unlock the potential that God has placed in every person. Now, some of you know that God has called you to do overseas mission. You know it. But you feel that you are not equipped adequately. Or do you feel like you don't have this talent or that talent? You may feel right - but I remember in 2nd Corinthians, Chapter 3 Paul, talk about the fact that he was called by God to be the Minister of the New Covenant, not because he is talented or he gifted. Or he... he has the knowledge? No, he concludes in Chapter 4, verse 1, he said "Therefore, having this ministry by the mercy of God. We do not lose heart". So he said, "You know, we have this ministry by the mercy of God", right? This is not because we are talented. Paul said. He he said, I'm not talented. It's not because I'm talented that I received this this ministry, but because of God's mercy, and in Verse 7, he said that we have this treasure in the jars of clay. So he said, we have this - the gospel, right? We carry this treasure in the job of our body. Our imperfect body. Easily broken. And he continued to show the surpassing power belongs to God, not to us. So the fact that Paul said God, give us the imperfect person, limited person to do, to bring the gospel to other people, to show that the powers belong to God, not to us. So just take the step of faith, right? Respond. I want you to respond to God and, take the step of faith and do it. Respond to the calling that God has for you. And you know who you are.

How can we pray for you?

Nam and Anna Ho: Our top prayer needs right now is for our new staff. We have a number of key roles open, and we are praying that God brings exactly the right people. In the last couple of years, we have doubled the size, so we have a lot of new staff. We are praying that God help us to train and equip them. Well, that they take on the values of the organisation despite the fact that we are all so remote, praying that God helps them to do their roles well. And we continue to pray for protection as an organisation. We seek to break the lies that Satan had used to hold communities in poverty. We see thousands come to Christ and judges multiplied. But obviously we have a very real enemy, and we see, challenges in terms of health, travel dramas and natural disasters. One of our staff houses were flooded last week, so pray for protection that God would allow people to focus well on their work

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