
Global Legacy Missionaries Report - Daz Chettle

June 23, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Daz Chettle , Global Gospel Movement

Daz Chettle : Hey, guys. How are ya? Daz Chettle, Global Gospel Movement here in Wood End, which is in Christchurch, New Zealand.

What can we celebrate from your mission work in the past year?

Daz Chettle : Well, last year there was a lot to celebrate. You know obviously there was a lot of people born again, probably the most people born again than what we've seen in the six years prior, which is awesome, which is really awesome, really beautiful. And we're talking about people in airports and shopping malls, even on aeroplanes. There's crazy stories just sitting next to the right person on the plane. But, you know, my heart burns that The Church, the Body of Christ, will rise up and shine and for us to have the opportunity to go into so many different churches. But here's the kicker. So many different movements, so many different denominations. It's been so awesome to be inspiring so many different Christians just to be normal and talk about Jesus every day. Another thing that's really cool, we do a lot of work with youth, and locally we put a great big half-pipe skateboard ramp in our backyard to have youth at our house so we can pour into them and Breezy my wife has started a degree in counselling, Christian Counselling. So you know, so then, when she's got the degree, there's just another part of Global Gospel that you know, we can counsel broken girls and broken mums and counsel them well, so we're super excited about the future.

Where have you seen transformation taking place?

Daz Chettle : I was preaching in Melbourne last weekend and I did an Altar Call and I jumped down off the stage to pray for a lady and one of her friends had brought her up. And I just said to her that Jesus loves you, He's real and He wants to walk through this hard season with you, and He wants to help you with the grief, and then I just went on to the next person. And then about an hour later, they come up to me. Now that lady buried her grandson on the Friday. This was last weekend. She buried her grandson on the Friday. She was a Mormon her whole life. She said that on the Sunday morning she prayed her last prayer to God. She said, God, I am done now. Her friend brings her along to church. So that night she got saved and she said to me, Jesus is now my Saviour. It all makes sense. And she said, how did you know about the grief? And I said, Jesus, He's that real.

What do you wish more people knew about your ministry?

Daz Chettle : It's a good question. I think for so long we've we've had the mindset that evangelism - number 1 - that evangelism is loud. No, it doesn't have to be loud, and it doesn't have to be this or it doesn't have to be that. And, you know, it would be awesome for people to understand that the job of the Evangelist is just as valuable inside the church building is what it is outside the church building. And you know, Ephesians Four, to equip the saints. And that's what I love doing. And a lot of people think, Ah, let's get Daz in and and you know we'll do an Altar Call and we'll reach the lost. And what if we were to bring Daz in and build evangelism DNA in our church to to have a heart for the lost to, you know, get that big word evangelism, take it out of the picture and just go. Hey, it's actually all about Jesus, the by-product's of us loving Jesus is - we'll talk about Jesus. So that's kind of the thing that I sometimes think, man, I wish people knew more about my heart. It's actually for the local church. The local church is where it's at for any evangelist to equip the saints. And then we all go and share the gospel. That's what I reckon.

What motivates you to love others?

Daz Chettle : Love. Love motivates me. You see, when I was a drunken lunatic in Christchurch City in a gutter at 2 O'Clock in the morning, God would wake my mum up and she'd be on her knees beside a bed, praying for me. And it wasn't till I had a collision with His love that it changed everything. Didn't make me perfect. Oh, my goodness. Pastor Sheridyn and Jan. You guys know that man - Not perfect! But His love grabbed my heart. And it's His love that I want to share with people from a platform and the person at McDonald's or the person on the plane. So it's His love, you know, for God so loved the world. Love, love. Yeah, it's for me. It's getting not just in here, but in here. To people that I bump into that Jesus loves you and you see, that can be not just, you know, a nice, cool sentence, but that could be paying for a coffee or buying someone's groceries or petrol or something like that. You know, it's the love that grabbed my heart. Is that love that I want to share wherever I go

How can we pray for you?

Daz Chettle : When I'm travelling a lot, you know, just just praying for my family is really important. Because we get smashed about, man, like, seriously. So, yeah, family is a biggie. Especially when I'm away and I'm building a solid partner base. I've been saying that I'm going to really push into that for seven years, and I really need to push into that. So just, you know, God just bringing the right people into our world just to help us, you know, even with some of the projects that I want to do. And, some of the events and, you know, so partners, family, you know, the the big ones family, though, having people praying for our family when I'm away and I'm away a lot, is so important, man, because we get hammered. And, just praying that God would just send some some godly men and women just to help us get the gospel global, you know. And in our little world, just have those opportunities to share the gospel every day.

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