
Global Legacy Local – Allan

June 11, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Allan Hall, PropertyLink Manager

Allan Hall: Kia ora everybody. My name is Allan and I am the manager of PropertyLink, which is the social enterprise arm of Community Link Trust.

How does PropertyLink show love to others?

Allan Hall: I have an amazing team here at Property Link. They are very passionate about what they do, and they take great pride in the work that they do. And when the team go to site, they're very respectful and honouring of the properties that they go to. And they listen attentively to the customers, to hear about the what their requirements are, and the team will do their utmost to deliver that and often go that extra mile. And I guess this is a fair reflection of, why PropertyLink gets such a lot of repeat business.

How do you personally show love to others in your role?

Allan Hall: I really love working with people, and I especially love working with my team, and it's getting to know them personally - how their lives are going, how their family life is going, getting to know their families, and having a genuine interest in who they are and who they are about. And it's great during that journey with them being able to pray with them and support them in lots of different ways. And the same applies with, our customers. I've got some great rapport with some of our clients, and being able to do the journey with them as well. Being able to pray with them, support them and just be a willing ear at times.

Where have you seen transformation taking place?

Allan Hall: Recently, PropertyLink had the opportunity to work with some students building some kit-set barbecue tables. And there was this one young gentleman who really showed an interest, and he was quite excited. And he got in there, boots and all and really leading the way and encouraging his peers and doing a great job. So over the next couple of weeks, as we were building other tables, this particular young guy was really taking a lead and doing a really good job. I said to him, I said, Oh, you should apply for the Wintec Trades course because you've got a real flair for building, and I just left at that. Anyway, a few months later, as I was driving through the drivethru at Macca's, this particular young guy was on the service window and he goes, Oh, Matua Matua, he says, Oh, I've got a part time job here now and I've applied for the Wintec Trades course, which starts at the start of the year, and he was just so excited and I said, Well, then good on you. It was great to see he was a young guy, he was in his lane, he had purpose. It was so encouraging for him and it was encouraging. For me, it was encouraging for my peers who work with these students to show that God has us placed here for a reason and why we do what we do.

When have you smiled, knowing God is at work?

Allan Hall: Another little story, a young girl living next door to one of the building sites that the team were at. She was quite upset, and that was because her rabbit hutch had blown to bits the night before in a storm. So the team went back to the depot and knocked up a new one and brought her back around to this young girl's home and presented it to her. She was just so excited, and Dad was in tears with the generosity shown, and it was just lovely to see the heart of the team in action.

What motivates you to love others?

Allan Hall: Well, God is a perfect example of loving unconditionally. He loves each and every one of us. He created each and every one of us, and he's given each and every one of us many talents and abilities and for us to express in our time that he's granted us here on Earth. And so what I enjoy and love doing is getting alongside people that I can journey with and help them achieve, the best that they can be as individuals. And in my past experience that journey has been, could be a short term thing. For some people and others, it's been a lifetime journey and just doing life together, getting alongside them, encouraging them, inspiring them, motivating them, speaking into their lives and being a great listener. And because God is all of that to me, and why I am here today is because of certain people, individuals that God has brought across my path, who have been influential in who I am today and ultimately, knowing where I've come and where I am today.. People can change, and Lord, I just pray that I can be the same to other people around me and that to the people that God has brought across my path, that I can be a blessing to them.

Produced with Vocal Video