
John English for Global Discoveries Ltd. Video Testimonials

August 14, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: John English

Please introduce yourself and tell us about your experience working with Global Discoveries.

John English: Hi, my name is John. Um, I first heard of global discoveries several years back. I got a call out of the blue, uh, from a gentleman named Chris, uh, with the company and, um, he had reached out because there were a few properties that my dad owned, uh, prior to his passing away, um, that were coming up for public auction, um, in the county where he lived and, you know, I, I'm, I'm kind of skeptical by nature, um, as I'm sure many folks are, um, when you get a call out of the blue about something like this. Um, but what Chris explained was that, uh, you know, I was entitled to the proceeds from that auction. Um, and that his role was to, uh, you know, help guide folks like me through that process. And, uh, you know, that there's a lot of legal hurdles to jump through and all of that and that it's, you know, it's better to have someone on your side that, that knows what they're doing. Um, so I gave it some thought after getting off the phone with him and talked to my wife and I'm a big do your homework kind of guy. So I did that, um got online, did a little research, uh, looked into what uh global discoveries was all about and I saw a couple folks that had worked with them and, uh gave Chris a call back and said, yeah, let's go for it. Um And it was, I can tell you about as seamless a process as you could imagine given that you're dealing with, you know, like in my case, a government auction a property, you know, it takes a little bit of time. There's a lot of paperwork and all of that that I wouldn't have had the first clue how to, uh, how to tackle, um, in situations like this. You need a professional on your side, who knows what they're doing. Um, and, uh, through Chris's work and the, the work that the team there did, uh, it got my family almost $100,000 that we were able to put toward my daughter's college education. And it really was, was a tremendous thing for us that, um, I can't express strongly enough how much I appreciate the work that Chris and the team at Global did on our behalf. Uh, it was absolutely tremendous working with them. So, uh, if you are considering it or, um, if you've, or someone like me that got a call out of the blue and you're wondering if this is legit? Absolutely. Um, I can't stress enough, uh, go through the process with them. You will be glad you did.

Would you recommend working with Global Discoveries to others?

John English: I would absolutely recommend working with global discoveries, um working with uh the team there and, uh Chris in particular was really great about following up with us periodically, you know, with, with things like this when there's legal processes involved. Uh Sometimes there's a little while before there's any news. Uh Chris was checking in with us regularly saying, hey, you know, we're still waiting, uh, still waiting to hear the dates are set for XY and Z and, you know, just ee everyone there was very thorough and very much in tune with, um, the fact that you're on the other end, they're waiting to see what happens. Um And, uh of course, very receptive when I would reach out as well too. So I, you know, I it, it, the, the, the process was handled perfectly as far as I was concerned. I would absolutely recommend working with them. Uh, they, they, they get it, uh, and they know what they're doing and this is a professional team that, uh, that absolutely, um, knows how to, uh how to navigate each process, um, that comes up along the way. So, um, short answer. Yes, absolutely. I'd recommend global discoveries.

Did Global Discoveries clearly communicate the opportunity and follow through and deliver as communicated from the beginning?

John English: Uh Global was absolutely thorough in explaining the process, explaining what might happen. Uh Every time I would reach out to Chris and, you know, had another question. If he didn't have the answer handy, he would track it down for me. Um And yeah, they, they more than delivered on everything uh that was promised at the start of the process. Um you know, and, and uh you know, some of these things take a little bit of time, there might be legal challenges that come up and all of that. Um But it's, you know, that that's part of the process and that's why it's so important to work with the professionals because um a layman like myself, you don't know how to navigate that process. Um You know, and, and some of these things are time sensitive. You have to get uh that application process right the first time. Um So you definitely want to have somebody on your side that uh uh knows what they're doing. And, yeah, the, the folks at Global and Chris in particular uh communicated with me clearly frequently uh and delivered on everything that they promised

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