
Alfred Van Duyne III for Global Discoveries Ltd. Video Testimonials

September 09, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Alfred Van Duyne III

Please introduce yourself and tell us about your experience working with Global Discoveries.

Alfred Van Duyne III: Hi, my name is Al Van Dyne. Um I am recording a video testament for uh global discoveries. Um I worked with them after being contacted by Theresa Storlie and shared with me that there was an opportunity to recover some funds um regarding my grandparents estate. Um I'm in law enforcement. I work in Florida. And when I heard of this, I was very skeptical, but uh Teresa did an excellent job of uh reassuring me that, you know, global discoveries wasn't a scam. Uh She sent me proof of what the company does and some testimonials invited me to look it up on the better Business Bureau which I did. And after doing my diligent research, um I decided that I would work with her in trying to recover these monies. And I'm glad I did um it was a significant, a sum of money that uh I didn't know, you know, was a possibility of getting and um we were able to recover that money in about 2.5 months time. There was some paperwork to complete nothing uh extraordinary or very, very time consuming and Teresa was very, very diligent in working with me um, she's in California. I believe I'm in Florida. So there was some time differences and I was very busy, uh, in my work and she adjusted to speak with me at varying times. Uh, morning, afternoon, evening, I think we even spoke once or twice on the weekend. So, um, again, the process was very smooth. It was very streamlined. She was an absolute joy to work with and, um, if anyone is contacted by global discoveries, I um can adamantly say that uh they're a wonderful company, the work that they do. And um um working with Teresa was just an absolute joy, like I said, and I would recommend them to anyone. Thank you.

Would you recommend working with Global Discoveries to others?

Alfred Van Duyne III: Um when asked if I would recommend global discoveries, I definitely would recommend them. Uh they go through great lengths to ensure their le legitimacy to prospective clients. And that means a lot, especially in this day and age where um so many people work hard at scamming people. And um global discoveries is um um is um affiliated with the Better Business Bureau. They have an A plus rating and um when you speak with a representative, they contact you and go through great lengths to um ensure that you're comfortable with them before working.

Did Global Discoveries clearly communicate the opportunity and follow through and deliver as communicated from the beginning?

Alfred Van Duyne III: Global discoveries definitely um describe what the opportunity was uh where funds were available from and uh definitely made it come to pass. They gave me a realistic expectation of when I could receive the funds. And uh they actually beat that time uh significantly. I think it was a matter of um under, under promise and over deliver. But um I think that's more so a testament to the work that they do the thoroughness and uh they have their procedure obviously um um down pat to be able to give their customers the best service and uh produce results as quickly as possible.

Produced with Vocal Video