
Maddie US-2 Story Clip 7

October 27, 2022

Video Transcript

Speaker: Maddie Russo, US-2 Alumna

Maddie Russo: My advice to anyone who is considering becoming a Global Mission Fellow is, long story short, say yes. You know, the Bible is full of stories of ordinary people like you and me who experience an extraordinary God. And they say yes, they say yes to Jesus. They say yes to God. Some even drop whatever they're doing and follow Him. And GMF is an exceptional program to give yourself to. It is helpful and wonderful and transformative. Absolutely. So no matter where you are in life or your faith journey, I believe God is going to do so much in and through you, if you join this program. So I think if you're even interested at all, I think there's a reason that you are and I pray you have the courage to follow because I believe God has a plan and a purpose for all of us, and God never leads us astray.

Produced with Vocal Video