
Douglas Souza: Co-founder @ Super Company

May 29, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Douglas Souza, Co-Founder, Super Company

What has been your experience working with us? How did we do relative to what you expected?

Douglas Souza: Uh Hello everyone. This is Douglas. Uh I'm the co founder of Super company. Uh We are based in Brazil, Sao Paulo Brazil. Uh It has been, it has been a pleasure to work with George and all the team at Kaka. Uh We have been working together for almost two months now and uh on Kop Bravo, it's one of our biggest games here uh and has a lot of issues and George has been uh and the team has been uh really valuable to, to make sure like we do releases with the quality that we expect uh finds uh find all the issues and make them easy to reproduce and give us all the steps and cover a broad range of devices and geographies and make sure like everything is working fine so we can uh safely release those, those builds. Uh So it has been great. Uh We expected to just cover the basics, just basic car loop, but they have been doing a lot more than that uh covering a broad range of devices and geography, I think something that we did not expect and they did find some issues uh when connected the game from Asia and some other places. Uh So it has been uh they have been gone going far and beyond on what we did expect. And, and also the work has been really fast and robust and they have always been really accessible to us. So we can always discuss the topics, discuss the issues and have been the answers have been direct and, and honest. So we really appreciate everything that you guys that George and the Gat

Results and impact: How did we impact your business and/or help your team?

Douglas Souza: Uh honest, like uh G team has been finding the issues, but we didn't fix some of the most critical ones. Uh It's on the road map like it's the first thing that we gonna do probably in the next few weeks. And we expect that uh the most of the KPIS of Kus Bravo will go up, will go up. So he, they did find some really critical issues uh on the first time user experience for on the loading of the game and some other UX issues that we, that is pretty horrible for the user of the game. So we expect, but we, we don't have the results yet, but we expect that by fixing those issues that they, they found and it's gonna be pretty fast to, to fix them because they, they, they made it really easy for us to reproduce all those, all those issues, all those bugs, all the steps are there and we can see them, we can, we can, we can see those issues really easily here. So it's gonna be easy. We just uh had some other priorities,

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