
Enrique Olmos for FreightSmith Staff - Driver Appreciation

August 31, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Enrique Olmos

What is your name and how long have you worked with FreightSmith? Como te llamas y cuanto tiempo llevas trabajando en FreightSmith?

Enrique Olmos: My name is Enrique and I've been working with Frank Smith for almost five months.

In your job, how do you support drivers? En tu trabajo como ayudas a los choferes?

Enrique Olmos: I mainly support drivers with their checking process as well as providing them with the accurate instructions so they can proceed to the different warehouses that we work with. And recently I just started working with the pay in the payment center line. So I am also handling them on processing the payment of their lump fees.

What is your favorite part of working with drivers? And how has that made your job better? Que es lo que mas disfrutas de trabajar con los

Enrique Olmos: My favorite part of working with the drivers is they're always providing you with brand new feedback from the warehouse they were in. So after doing some research with my coworkers, my bosses or the people in the warehouse, I always trying to pick all the most common questions that drivers have the most common problems they face. So this helps me a lot on improving the solutions that I provide to them.

Produced with Vocal Video