
M&T Bank Graduation_April 19, 2023

April 24, 2023

Video Transcript

Speakers: Brian Balla, IBM Z Apprentice, M&T Bank. Lucy Garza, IBM Z Apprentice, M&T Bank. Brandon Wittmeyer, IBM Z Apprentice, M&T Bank. Ayantu Osman, IBM Z Apprentice, M&T Bank. Gregory Sihrer, IBM Z Apprentice, M&T Bank. Glenn Millen, IBM Z Apprentice, M&T Bank

IBM Z Apprenticeship Graduates, you've come a long way.

Here are some of your most memorable moments.

Glenn Millen: Converting people's United Bank to M&T customers. that was a huge multi-month, year long process that kind of encapsulated the whole first year of our whole apprenticeship here. There was a lot of work that went into it daily, weekly, and it really helped me really get to learn a lot, especially on the programming side of things here.

Gregory Sihrer: Probably the communication skills and adaptability that I developed throughout the program. Communication is vital for establishing networks and professional relationships. In the Franklin Apprenticeship program, exposed me to real world business and taught me how to handle today's fast changing environments.

Ayantu Osman: The best part about the program, I would say in my opinion, is the support system. Not having a technical background at all whatsoever, and then coming into a very technical role is intimidating. It can be very intimidating. But I had the support of my buddy, I had the support of my mentors, my managers and my fellow ZDPs in cohort one as well. Even if someone wasn't officially signed to me as a buddy, I could go to them and ask them questions and they acted as if they were my assigned buddy. It's yes, you do do the Pre- apprenticeship work before you come on, but there are just some things that the pre-apprenticeship training doesn't prepare you for and that's when everyone else comes into play at M&T really to help you succeed.

Brandon Wittmeyer: I would say a memorable moment or highlight from the program would be early on in the apprenticeship, we collectively, all the apprentices took a field trip to one of our data centers, and I thought that was really awesome as we got to see all the hardware and the people providing support behind the scenes. And I thought that was really cool just to see the machines that we're working with. As when we're working with them, we're not actually physically next to them.

Brian Balla: I think the best part for me was going section by section, getting mentor testimonies and approval from my mentor that I am certified to know these sections well enough to talk about them and present on them. I felt good to keep progressing along through the syllabus like that. It gives you a sense of accomplishment, which I really enjoyed.

Lucy Garza: I was nervous. I remember driving up to the building, I could see it from downtown. It's just their gleaming in all its light. Seneca One, M&T Bank right there like, oh wow. I remember walking in through those doors and I don't know in, in my mind, I felt like I was walking into a scene from the movie. It was so surreal. I felt like it was slow motion but it was awesome. Everything was renovated, beautifully done. So that was like my best moment ever. Like it was like, this is it. This is your new job. This is gonna be your new dream. So excited.


Produced with Vocal Video