Speaker: Andrew Spar, President, Florida Education Association
Andrew Spar: So it's a great opportunity to be able to recognize really one of the great leaders in our union and our union movement, Jim Geiger, you know, Jim has told numerous stories about the 1968 walkout, talked about the work he's done in the union movement, and then of course the work he did in helping really build Creative Benefits and making Creative Benefits a great, valuable resource for all our members in FEA. Across the entire state. Jim, I'm sure you're not going that far as you retire and step down because I know that your heart, your love and your passion is always with us. And personally, I just want to say how much I've learned from you over the years, how much I respect you in everything that you've done for our union, for our union members across the state. And for me personally, Jim, best of luck, enjoy, enjoy retirement, a full retirement, a well earned and well deserved retirement. And I'm sure we'll see you around