
Derek Forseth | Veterans Day 2023

November 09, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Derek Forseth, Senior Solutions Engineer

What was your branch of service, rank, and years of service?

Derek Forseth: The United States Army. I served as a Sergeant for a total of six years.

How has your military service positively impacted your life or career?

Derek Forseth: I don't think I would be where I am at today without my service to this great country. The the Army core values of loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity, and personal courage defines who I am today. And the will not fail and cannot fail. Mentality is how I still drive myself in my career today.

What did your military experience teach you about yourself?

Derek Forseth: Military experience really taught me, you know, everything where it, where I was perhaps lacking, whether it was physically, mentally or spiritually fit. It taught me where I was lacking and gave me a driving force to correct myself to become the best attribute to the United States Army as humanly possible.

What about your military service are you most proud of?

Derek Forseth: The portion of my military service that I'm most proud of is just the overall, just glancing at my military career as a whole of six years of serving diligently, faithfully and honorably to this great nation. Never lapse of judgment. And I really appreciate my time as a Sergeant, leading growing, molding the new and upcoming soldiers in the United States Army, leading them through combat. Two tours of combat. is what I'm most proud of, is just that entirety of the entire career. you know, we had our bad days, but in, in the whole, I, I serve, I can say utmost in my mind that I served with true integrity, perseverance, and dedication to this nation.

Anything else you'd like to share about your military service or Veterans Day?

Derek Forseth: Further elaborating on my military service or Veterans Day in general, I think that, you know, everybody served, uh, to a certain degree that, that, dressed up and put on that uniform. We're, we're a grateful nation. We're grateful brothers and sisters in arms for everybody's sacrifice and duties to this nation.

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