
Steven - FlipSystem Reviews

August 24, 2023

Steve will give his review about FlipSystem and his experience so far

Video Transcript

Speaker: Steven

Out of 5 stars, how would you rate FlipSystem?

Steven: Tell you so far in my journey, I'd give flip systems of five out of five stars for sure. The support has been great. The community has been awesome. Um I've been really impressed.

How long have you been a part of FlipSystem and what kind of success have you had thus far?

Steven: Yeah, I've been with flip systems, um, since the end of April. Um, I actually bought a property from Martel Turkey and that's how I found out about flip systems. But, um, it's been good so far. I mean, um, learning quite a bit and going over all the teachable and, um, certainly I think the most valuable is getting introduced, um, to a team that, that has already been vetted. Um, I love our realtor. Um, we've been working on some stuff and looking to close a deal.

Could you describe your overall experience with FlipSystem?

Steven: Yeah, the overall experience has been awesome. I, I think just having a, a team there, I can um contact any of the team members on Discord and they're very responsive and also everybody else in the community um has been great. It's nice to see that we all kind of have similar problems and that we're all trying to go through different challenges and that you can just put stuff up on Discord and, and get your challenges in a sense answered so that you don't feel like you're on an island by yourself.

Produced with Vocal Video