
Silver Star Mercedes-Benz - Sébastien Vanier Testimonial

April 13, 2023

Sébastien Vanier from Silver Star Mercedes-Benz in Québec, provides his take on the product and services from Fleetlane, a Montreal-based loaner car and mobility management software company.

Video Transcript

Speaker: Sébastien Vanier, Fixed Operations Manager, Mercedes Benz Silver Star

Please introduce yourself and share why you chose Fleetlane?

Sébastien Vanier: Hi, my name is, I'm the Fixed Operations manager at SilverStar Mercedes Benz Basically, we've been with fleetlane since the beginning. We've really collaborated together to build a software that will answer any, uh, you know, we've been using a lot of different software, but there was always some component missing with fleetlane and the team behind it. They have always been really helpful and have assisted us to build something that really answers our needs

Describe how Fleetlane has helped your operations?

Sébastien Vanier: One of the big challenge we had before was tracking on the car and also the gas, fuel, the damage, the charges, to chargeback the customer, go write down the mileage as well. So now with their technology, basically all this become seamless since this is software, do it automatically and when it comes time to charge back for fines (traffic violations) or for damages or anything, basically, it's really easy... one the click of a button, Click, boom, and the customer has been charged and we got our money. So that's been really an improvement on our side for our operations.

What do you think about Fleetlane?

Sébastien Vanier: One of the things I really like, or one of my favorite thing, it's not related to the software, even if the software is really great, it's really that there's always someone (a support agent) Accessible and available to answer any requests or questions, or to assist us if we need to do a change in the rental contract, it's a matter of a click and you know, within a short period of time it's done, if we have questions, we have new users, we just chat with the Fleetlane team and immediately somebody is available to assist. So this is really something that says a lot about a company that really think about customer service. First. The software is great. You know, all the function of the functionality, but really the team behind it, that's what makes a big difference.

Produced with Vocal Video