
Sylvia-Family Strengthening Network - Staff Questions

March 16, 2022

Video Transcript

What's one way your home visiting program helps families?

Hello. My name is Sylvia Simpson. I'm a outreach specialist for the Welcome Baby program here in the Antelope Valley we were asked to answer a few questions. So here we go, what's one way that your program helps families here in the Antelope Valley? Well we're wraparound service that helps the whole family and we provide resources links to community service as well as some tangible needs and information for our families as well as pregnant moms. Why should families sign up for the Welcome Baby program during pregnancy? That's easy. You get your very own highly trained team of professional people to work with you one on one in the privacy of your own home virtually, through your pregnancy and postpartum. And so we're going to help mom prepare for Antelope Valley Hospital delivery. We're going to help her to get herself emotionally happy and well, we're going to provide resources to help with breastfeeding support and all kinds of questions prenatally that she may have and even helping them to get to the new parent tour that we have here in the Antelope Valley Hospital. So that's just a few little things that they get prenatally. Um and then I have the postpartum to look forward to. So that's very helpful for mom, the education she'll receive and resources. What is one thing you always tell your clients about pregnancy and childbirth or parenting. None of it comes with a textbook if you've had children before. As you know, each pregnancy pregnancy is different. And so it helps to have somebody to kind of help you navigate those differences that you may have from pregnancy to pregnancy if it's your first time, it's really helpful because it gives you an ideal and a framework of how to handle your pregnancy as well as postpartum period. and parenting is a beautiful thing, It's a wonderful thing and we want to encourage that. So that's one thing that I always let them know. So in a nutshell, Welcome Baby is the bomb and I believe that everyone should try it here in The Antelope Valley. So that's why I'm out there. Alright, I hope this was helpful. Again, my name is Sylvia Simpson outreach specialist, Antelope Valley Partners for Health Welcome Baby Program. Shalom.

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