
Feminine Genius Coaching Testimonial: Tiffany

August 31, 2023

Video Transcript

Why did you want to work with a life coach in the first place?

I wanted to work with a life coach because I was feeling stuck professionally specifically and a little bit personally as well. I had worked with counselors in the past and have a great spiritual direction, but I was feeling stuck and, and, and just not able to get past certain mindsets. So I knew a coach and especially Claudine with the um Arise program. I thought there was some type of traumas because I am separated and, and went through some things, you know, with uh my kid's dad and of course, they have things that they're going through as well when their parents are going through challenges. So I thought with a rise, it was um coaching regarding burn out and I would feel like I would get to a certain place and then I would just stop. I, I wouldn't be able to go any further. So this was uh the reason I specifically chose to work with and Arise was to hopefully push past some of those things to be able to thrive personally and professionally.

How did you feel during our time working together?

Working together, the feeling that I had was at the beginning, of course, you're anxious and you don't know what to expect, excited all it as well. To start something new and to hopefully be able to break through some of the barriers that you're facing as we were going through the process, you go through different feelings. It can be uncomfortable. Claudine will so gently though, push you, I don't mean push in a negative way like this, just a gentle nudge I think would be better, to help you in the specific sessions that she goes through. So you always always, always feel safe. You were never pressured to do or say or explore anything that you weren't comfortable with. So I would say the overarching feeling was, was safety. And then there were moments of, you know, your aha moments and moments of community and always feeling as though you were the priority. Even though we went through this as a group, you always knew that Claudine really wanted to serve you specifically where you were along with the other women who went through the group with us

What are 2-3 tools, skills or gifts you are carrying with you from our time together?

2 to 3 tools, skills or gifts that I'm carrying with me from our time together would be, I really liked the feminine cycle awareness. I thought it was kind of funny because I'm almost 50 years old and how, how much it helped me. And I thought I knew a lot about my cycle, but this was just an awareness on a different level. And a kind of a nice permission to embrace our, our seasons of our, the seasons of our cycle to not push ourselves and to know the times when it's optimal to push ourselves if you can and you know, are aware of and able to schedule certain things at certain times. And it really has helped even in three months, time going through the workshop. with Claudine. The second thing I really liked the drop ins. It's just, you know, one of the tools that Claudine would use with us each time we had a group meeting. And she also gives you the tool in your, you're able to access it in the program. So it just really brings that awareness to your body and the connection with your body and it's a, it, it, it calms you and it's a time where it can help you to refocus.

If you had a friend or family member who was thinking about working with me, what would you say?

If I have a friend or a family member who was thinking about working with Claudine, I would say 110% and I could give tons and tons of reasons why, her gentleness, her knowledge, her attention to you as an individual. And, the way she is able to also be present with a group of women, the content is amazing. And if they had any questions, I have my folder and my binder and I still have all of the sessions up on the tabs on every single computer that I use, on a regular basis. So I'd be able to show them, you know, just some of something that would help them specifically, obviously not to give all her personal information away, but to be able to say, oh, here, like, you know, this is, this is something we worked on and then this was my experience. So, uh absolutely. There's, I would say there's absolutely no reason not to work with Claudine.

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