
Ask ELT: Sharmequa Franklin

August 26, 2024

Video Transcript

With the recent requirement to complete Compliance Training through Career Cafe,

will we be given the chance to give an evaluation?

Sharmequa Franklin: Thank you for this question. As you know, compliance training is a regulatory requirement for all staff. It is used to ensure that we are equipped for what we need to know and do from a regulatory perspective. Currently, the compliance training process is getting a facelift and a refinement. The classes you all take in Career Café today do not offer an evaluation. However, in 2025, the compliance training program will be a part of the BioStar Core Series program and it will provide an evaluation for everyone to have the opportunity to provide feedback. The program will be outlined in the following format. We'll have an introduction to regulatory compliance curriculum which will offer a baseline of information and provide an overview of important regulatory topics and what you need to know for those topics. Then, we'll have instructor-led learning sessions. These learning sessions will offer case studies that directly relate to topics you learned in the curriculum via the LMS. This will be a deeper dive into how these topics are used in everyday situations in our business. We hope that this has answered your question. Feel free to contact anyone on the L&D team with any questions about any of the learning programs that we offer here at AgSouth. If you have specific questions relating to compliance, contact Debbie Sikes directly, she's a wealth of information and happy to answer any of your questions. Have the most amazing day. Thanks.

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