
Valerie Wilson for Tell Us About Your Favorite Teacher

April 06, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Valerie Wilson

Do you have a teacher who inspired you for the better? Tell us how!

Valerie Wilson: Hi, my name is Valerie Wilson. And my fifth grade teacher, Mr Bryant inspired me when I was in elementary school, I would every year take the gifted test to see if I could be in the program. And every year I would go into the test hopeful. I'd anxiously await for the results. And once I got the results, my hope turn to disappointment and I begin to question a lot of things about myself. Am I smart enough? Am I good enough? Is there anything at all that I'm good at? Well, also during elementary school, I was a part of the school's course and uh we auditioned for honor course and I got accepted and I, I went to the um event had a great time. It was an amazing experience. I got a medal and I came back and I wore that medal. And I remember my fifth grade teacher at the time, Mr Bryant, he took time to individually come to me and tell me how proud he was, how he knew I could do it because he knew I was amazing. And what that little girl needed in 5th grade was what he gave her confidence and hope in herself that she doesn't have to be, she doesn't have to try to be anything and she could just be herself and be who she is and that's enough. Thank you, Mr Bryant.

Produced with Vocal Video