
Gang Li for Big Trials - ESO 2024

May 02, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Gang Li, Professor, Shanghai East Hospital, Tongji University

Gang Li: Hello, I'm Gang Li from Shanghai East Hospital. One of co-PIs for the Fourth Intensive Ambulance Delivered Blood Pressure Reduction in Hyper-Acute Stroke Trial. INTERACT 4. On behalf of our steering committee, Professor Craig Anderson, Lili Song and Jie Yang, I'm here to talk about our upcoming presentation at ESOC 2024. Our research focuses on the challenging issue of treating acute stroke before diagnosing between ischemic and hemorrhagic types. One question, we are looking to answer is whether very early blood pressure control in the ambulance, improves outcomes for patients with acute stroke. To address this, we conducted the INTERACT 4. This was the multicentre randomised open-label blinded outcome trial involving dozens of ambulance services across China. We have been working on this project for the past four years and the findings will be presented at the 10th European Stroke Organisation Conference in Basel, Switzerland. The results will also be published at the same time. ESOC, is a highly influential stroke conference worldwide and we are excited to share the most cutting edge research with global stroke community. We look forward to presenting the results of this major trial at ESOC 2024.

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