
Diana Aguiar de Sousa: Register now

April 15, 2024

Video Transcript

Dr. Diana Aguiar de Sousa: I have been attending ESOC since the first ESOC at Glasgow. I was presenting my PhD results at that time. It was a great conference, great experience and it really makes me have a special relationship with ESOC. It's a very long standing period already. I have received a Young Investigator Award then in 2016. And since then, I have always been at ESOC presenting my research, discussing the results with colleagues. So it's definitely a very long standing relationship for me and I really grew together with ESOC. So it feels very, very special for me to come here every year.

I think ESOC 2024 will be a very special conference. It is in Basel, a lovely city in the central part of Europe. So very easy to access by train from all over Europe. It is the 10th edition. So really, it's a landmark for many people, as I am, the people that went since the first conference up to the 10th edition. It has been a great experience to see how the conference evolved over the years. And also in my personal perspective, I presented my research findings from my PhD in the first edition. So just seeing how the stroke science evolved and myself, my career as well. So it has been really a process together with ESOC in my professional development. So I very much look forward to this, to this 10th edition of ESOC.

Register for ESOC 2024


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