Speaker: Stephen Andress
How has Energized Health changed your life?
Stephen Andress: Hello, my name is Steve Andress. I turned 76 about a week ago. For the first time since about 1975, I am under £160. Having gotten to be £245 12 years ago. I was able to get down to 185 over the last five years through a succession of various diets. Keto, intermittent fasting, alkaline, medical weight loss with semi glutide, etc., etc. But I could go no lower and I had crept back up to £200 before starting Energized Health a little over 100 and two days ago. I lost £50 of fat on this program, as my current £158 include £10 of gained healthy body water and £9 of new muscle. My pant size and the waist went from 44 to 34 inches. Even more importantly, while my metabolic age was 80 when I started, it is now 72. So I've regained eight years of health and I'm four years younger than my chronological age. I have no remaining symptoms of the arthritic pain I was experiencing in shoulders, hands, hips and knees. I have ceased taking any diabetes or weight reduction medication whatsoever. I have reduced my statin prescription to about half and will continue reducing down to zero as I finish my remaining refill. After years of slow physical decline and feeling like I was just getting old, I think I was losing some of my self confidence and optimism. Now with a truly remarkable health and fitness transformation, in 102 days, the self confidence and optimism are back. And my outlook on virtually everything is brighter. Even now, at age 76, I was able to learn from John and Chelsea Jubilee and from my great coach Tanya, the importance of attitude throughout life. Of never allowing adversity or setbacks in my progress to overshadow the success I was having and of being prepared and ready to respond positively to the needs of friends and relatives and most importantly of my daughter. Since my beloved wife of 53 years, her dear mother passed away from cancer just over a year ago. My only regret is that I had not learned of this transformational program at least five or more years ago, as I truly believe my wife could still be with us and doing well. It's a program for a long life and I highly recommend it to those of any age who would like to be and stay truly healthy and happy to enjoy it to its fullest. Needless to say, I will be forever grateful. Thank you.