Please share what you have accomplished in just 6 short weeks with Energized Health.
LENNETTE SUE VAUGHT: Hi guys, my name is Sue Vaught and I just want to tell you that today on, well, on Thursday, June the 15th. It's a couple of days later, I had my first six, first victory in the six week check in. I wanted to tell you that in December of 2012, I decided I had to go on a diet and with today's loss of £4 after going for a long, long time without having any weight loss, I now have a total weight loss. And again, this is since 2012 of £73.4. I got to £70 and I just stayed there and stayed there and stayed there and I just, I couldn't get going again. I don't know, I've done everything, but I hadn't done this. Now I'm just so thankful for this small victory would be to a lot of people, but to me, this is a grand victory. So, um, today I have lost, I'm gonna give you my, my stats, my, uh, figures here £4 which is minus 2% body fat, minus 1.6% subcutaneous fat, minus 1% visceral fat, plus 1.3 body water, plus 1.3 skeletal muscle, minus 0.7 BMI well, my BMI is kind of pitiful but it's now minus as it points out. My metabolic age, I'm not even going to address because it's not favorable, but I intend to make it favorable. My total transformation pounds and I should say my total victory today is minus 6.5, excuse me, minus £5.6. Shape shift inches is minus six. So my new motto is £1 and 1 inch at a time £1 and 1 inch. And then when you just boil it all down and you make it real sweet and simple that that helps us. Um So I wanna honestly tell you that I couldn't be more happy even though many of you have lost much more. This means a lot to me personally and I want to thank uh John and Chelsea. Those guys are the engines behind our train here, our train to victory. And I wanna thank Justin Willoughby, who is my personal coach here and I just think he is great. Oh, thank you so much and I enjoy meeting each and every one of you on the Facebook pages and on my Thursday night meeting with Justin, we have open discussion about all different kinds of things and I have this uh great love developing for my growing family. We've got a big family now and Health Energized, it is a family and I love belonging to this family. So I welcome all of you. And I just thank the Lord Jesus Christ, who is my personal savior who has brought me to this place and opened up this fantastic opportunity. And I just want to tell everybody how wonderful it is and uh thank you for everything. God bless. Bye. Bye.