Speaker: Berta Morgan
How has Energized Health changed your life in just 10 weeks?
Berta Morgan: Awesome and amazing Good morning. 60 days, I can't believe 60 days have gone by so fast and things are changing. I am amazed and I'm thrilled. I'm sleeping better, all the clicky thumbs and painful fingers for the most part are all better except for one stubborn thumb, which still gives me pain occasionally, but I know it's so much better than it was, that it will get better. I'm, I'm convinced it's, it's gonna be awesome when it's when I complete this. Um, everything's getting loose on me. The pant size is down one, I'm up uh, to 52 in my water, which is, um, I think up three, I'll have to wait for Jean to give me my numbers. Um, shout out to Jean. I love her. She's the best coach ever. Um, and I'm losing the back fat, which is great. And, um, I even bought a new bathing suit. So I'm talk about optimistic at 70 plus years. Do I have to say how old? I really am? All right. 70 I'm 71. I'll be 72 in May. Um, so anyway, everything is looking beyond my expectations and the, the hard days, push through it because the best is yet to come and it's so, so worth it. So just stay on track. Like John says, one day at a time and just keep plugging away and you will have success. You will see the difference and I'm can't wait to see what's coming next. So awesome and amazing, everybody have a good one and enjoy the journey.