
Berta Morgan - Customer Testimonial Videos

October 10, 2023

See what things have changed for Berta in only 6 weeks of doing the protocol with Energized Health.

Video Transcript

Speaker: Berta Morgan

Please share what you have accomplished in just 6 short weeks with Energized Health.

Berta Morgan: Hi, this is uh Berta Morgan and I'm 71 and I live in Ohio and I joined Energized Health six weeks ago and I have to read off my sheet because I just got it this morning, uh, from my coach. So I'm so excited. So I lost £11.1. Um, I also shape shifted 1.5 inches and, um, my pants are loose and nothing's fitting the way it used to, which is a good thing and all I can say is follow the directions, do what they tell you to do. Um, and don't get discouraged. Uh, detox is hard and there is an end to it and it will, it will be amazing when you get through it. So hang tough. All I can say is hang tough. It will be so worth it when you get to the other side. I've, um, I'm on half my blood pressure medication. Um, my hands which you can see are shaking in this video, but that's because I have, um, I've had trigger finger in my thumbs and problems with my hands and I am finally look, I can finally have full mobility and um, I am not in pain, so I am very optimistic that I'm gonna reach all my goals. Um uh Thank you. Thank you and God bless you. This program is astounding and I'm trying to stabilize the camera because this is horrible. I'm so sorry, I'm shaking. Um I'm also nervous. So take care, be brave, hang tough, do what you can, don't punish yourself for what you can't um and celebrate every morning as the new beginning to do better or to stay on track.

Produced with Vocal Video