
A Video Testimonial for Grant Dowsetts Executive Mindset Coaching Program

October 01, 2022

A Video Testimonial for Grant Dowsetts Executive Mindset Coaching Program from the Empreneur Susscess Network

Video Transcript

Speaker: Brad Shirley, Director , Sleep electric Victoria

Who are you and what do you do and how long have you been working with Grant?

Brad Shirley: Hi, I'm brad Shirley from Sleep Electric and I've been working with grant doubts for around about two years.

What was your biggest problem or issue and how did Grants coaching program help you solve it?

Brad Shirley: The biggest problem I had in my business was time. Um so I was working 70, 80 hours a week. Um I was trying to do everything myself um and working with grant. Um he helped me focused on what needed to be worked on in the business, but also gaining a little bit of my life back, which actually helped improve the business.

Why would you recommend Grant's coaching to a friend or colleague?

Brad Shirley: I'd recommend Grant to any of my friends and family or colleagues. Grant's been a huge help to me, not only just in business itself but also motivation and goal setting. Um, yeah, he's been a, been a big help for me.

Produced with Vocal Video