
Irene Lambrinoudaki for EMAS 2023 Congress

April 12, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Irene Lambrinoudaki

Please briefly introduce yourself.

Irene Lambrinoudaki: Hello. I'm Irene Lambrinoudaki I'm a professor of endocrinology at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. I am scientific director of EMAS and Editor-in-chief of Maturitas which is the official journal of EMAS.

In a few sentences, what will you be speaking about at the EMAS 2023 Congress?

Irene Lambrinoudaki: My keynote lecture will be about menopause and diabetes. I will present some metabolic changes occurring during the menopausal transition that predispose women to develop diabetes later in life. I will also show how diabetes affects women's reproductive status and the timing of menopause. I'm looking forward to seeing you all in Florence.

What are you most looking forward to at the EMAS Congress?

Irene Lambrinoudaki: EMAS Congresses are always a place to learn science, meet people and exchange ideas. This is why I always enjoy being a part of EMAS activities.

Produced with Vocal Video