
Shauna G H&S Video Testimonials

September 11, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Shauna Goldenberg, Director, Inclusion and Engagement

Describe an event or experience that impacted you, positively or negatively about Health and Safety and what change came about because of it

Shauna Goldenberg: For me, it was when I was in high school, a friend's older brother and his group of friends had just started university. They were pledging a fraternity and they were challenged with the task which included driving a long distance and two of them were killed, three of them were injured and 15 others from different cars were impacted just not physically. It was then that the ball dropped for me how our action impacts our results. And I've never been one to drive at high speeds and I try to avoid driving at night, especially for long distances.

Produced with Vocal Video