
Brian Kherlen for EGIS Careers Video Testimonials

August 09, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Brian Kherlen

Describe an example of a training session and what you learned.

Brian Kherlen: So my favorite training session happened at the end of the uh whole training. Um at the end of the training, we had this business plan, we had to create a business plan from scratch. Uh We got into three teams. We got our topics and we built the financial models, uh the teasers, recovery loans, we did everything together and from the scratch just with an idea. And we worked as a team and we then presented our business plan taser and everything at the end. Um I learned to put everything together from the models, the teasers, everything that was really hands on experience. And we also just learned to put everything together as a team. So that was my favorite uh training session.

Describe any financial modeling training you received and any materials shared.

Brian Kherlen: I'm gonna finish my training on DC phone evaluation and uh cash from Mar. Um I got the training during one of our sessions and we were shown how to do it. We were provided um Excel file and then we used the file and then did it ourselves for our business plan. And that's how we experience marketing before our actual job. And I just also shared us in operation and valuation what during our training uh time frame.

Describe a "live deal" you have been able to work on during the internship.

Brian Kherlen: During my internship, I worked in two light deals. Uh Both of them were capital races for those capital races. I modeled the cash flow including the capital expenditure and loan interest. Um I also prepared the teasers recovery email, send them to many investors prepared to pitch desks and I talked to multiple investors and funders on those pitch desks. I also managed the uh client engagement and regularly checking with them and inform them of our engagement with other funders.

Why do you believe the EGIS Careers Immersion Program is beneficial to aspiring finance professionals?

Brian Kherlen: I think Gere Immersion program is beneficial to spring finance professionals because of resources. Uh First of all, you get to work in live deals and provide value to companies that really need funding. Um Most of the companies are from emerging markets, so they really need the funding to go forward. And then you, we help in that process. Um You also get hands on experience on modeling pitch decks and talking to investors. Those are valuable experience that's going to help you in the future. Um And then finally, you got a good instructor that will guide you throughout the internship program. Um instructors who has been doing it for many years and will help you on anything you need.

What materials did EGIS Careers offer you before the program start and during the program to enrich the experience?

Brian Kherlen: First of all, I guess per has provided me the intern handbook. Um The handbook was really helpful to me because it included everything I need to know. And it explained me what deals were, how they worked, what the lifespan of deals were. And they also provided me uh operation models that was used in actual interviews. Um And most importantly, we had biweekly meetings with I guess careers and we talked about how my experience was how I could improve my experience and how I could for my career. So those guiding talks were also really helpful for me.

Any other tips/advice you'd like to share with prospective candidates?

Brian Kherlen: I think, I think investment banking version program could be very beneficial for anyone who would like to go into investment banking and financial professions. Um It, it could be very helpful because what other financial institutions big Corporates ask for is experience, experience on live deals, experience on modeling, experience, on talking to investors. But as a student, you have this experience, you have to have a base and that's what I guess security problem.

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