
Bilal Adamjee for EGIS Careers Video Testimonials

July 31, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Bilal Adamjee, Analyst, 325 Capital

Describe your initial EGIS enrollment process and any hesitations you had before committing.

Bilal Adamjee: Hi, everyone. I initially found out about IIS careers through linkedin and through a variety of mutuals who are also international students like myself and were soon to be graduates, um, really struggling in a very tough job market to look for a job post college. But that's exactly what I, I gave me an opportunity, a helping hand to, to get my resume out to more people. And that's exactly what the alumni I spoke to had to say about, I guess I spoke to a handful of them and that really helped me and, and encouraged me, um, as to see the, the efficacy of the program in lending me something that I would like and in tailoring my situation, um, well, to, to their process. Um, and, you know, I think the opportunity I have today is evidence of that.

What assistance did EGIS provide during the interview/resume submission process?

Bilal Adamjee: I think I just helped uh very special in three areas. The first was in an initial call to understand what I wanted. And I think from the Get Go, I was, you know, very prudent in expressing that I wanted something that was investment related, something that really um bridged from my uh passion in college, which was in the, in the by side space in investment and equity research. And so I guess, was very good in tailoring my process to, to my goals and aspirations from the Get Go. The second I would say is in making sure that that was reflected in my resume. And so over the course of a couple calls, I and, and feedback processes, I had my, my resume improved and fine tuned. Um you know, from a good to a great resume that would increase my outreach and the number of tables that my resume would land on. And lastly, which I think is the most important was I was getting primed before interviews, uh getting really good tips as to what the expectations were um of the form. Uh Well, I only interviewed with one form and that was my the first job I took, but it really seek their expectations. Um I had a one case study that I just really helped me prepare for and helped me uh prepare for any questions that would come against my conclusion against my thesis. So that was very helpful.

Overall, how was your experience prior to joining EGIS Careers and how did they help change the course of your career?

Bilal Adamjee: You know, to be very honest, I think when you're someone in college and you're trying to break into finance, you're taught that there's only, you know, a couple of, you know, traditional, um consensus ways to break it, you know, consulting investment banking. And if you can't land those or if you don't get a return offer, then, you know, you're doomed or uh your chances are low. But what eg helped me realize is that, you know, you can find unconventional ways and unconventional paths um to still getting what you want and you don't need to fit a cookie cutter mold or, you know, the, what, what, what everyone else is doing simply put. And so, you know, my process, Igus was, I would say special. The first, the first place that um I got with them that my resume landed and was accepted is the place I finally took an offer from. And I think it's, it's one, a lot of experience I had prior in interviewing in, in finance and modeling, in understanding my goals. But two, I just gave me the platform to execute on those experiences. It gave me a chance to get my resume seen by, by someone who truly valued my experiences and not just kind of threw me um with the rest of the pack. So I would say I would not be in the position I am today. I think if it weren't for egos.

Any other comments or advice you'd like to provide to prospective candidates?

Bilal Adamjee: You know, I think the biggest takeaway when considering a program like this is to understand where you wanna get to and the cost of getting there. And that's definitely something that I weighed when I thought of choosing, I guess. But I knew that I had the resources to join the program. I knew that I it would get me closer to getting something I actually wanted than to fall into a trap or something that was given to me or something that I just, you know, slightly made the cut for. I was selfish in that case to make sure that I worked with the program, a program that is able to tailor its, its process, its recruitment strategy, the way it gets, um it's, you know, your resume out specifically to your interests and to your goals. So I definitely recommend this to anyone who's in a special, special situation. Like I was an international student or someone who's looking to pivot and break into finance.

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