Speaker: Ashton Foston, Cloud Engineer
Introduce yourself and tell us who you are and what you do for your company or organization.
Ashton Foston: Hi I'm Ash, I'm working on the Cloud team as a software engineer.
Tell us about your experience being trained or working with EduSerc?
Ashton Foston: um my experience being trained under EduSerc was amazing! I learned how to do so many different things using PowerPoint, Word, Excel, Smartsheet, so many different things um so many different tips on doing so many different things that I never even knew were possible with these apps. Like we definitely were shown how to go deeper into things and how to really like pull out the most out of these applications and you know bring our you know best creativity and to really utilize these tools in a way that really helps you know, us be better for our positions and for you know outside of our positions if we you know have our own projects that we're working on or things of that nature. So I was really really happy Brian really explained everything really well really, you know took his time and going deep into it, you know, he used the metaphor of like you know teaching us how to cook as opposed to just like giving us a fish or you know, however the saying goes but but yeah, I think it really was that and I like that we had the time to really try things out and you know experiment and really, you know, go deeper into our understanding of these technologies.
Would you recommend EduSerc training to any other organization and why?
Ashton Foston: I would absolutely recommend EduSerc training to any other organization because again, all of these tools that were being taught us, being taught to us very thoroughly, very clearly. I don't feel like there was much time being wasted, but I also don't feel like we were being rushed. I think that it was very, very well paced, very well articulated, and these are skills that we're gonna be able to take with us all over. So I think that it's very worthwhile in order to, you know, to do this training for Sure, I would recommend to anybody.