
Erik Zaro for Pain Free Fitness Training Experience

November 22, 2022

Video Transcript

Speaker: Erik Zaro

Could you describe how Pain Free Ability Training with Eric has helped you?

Erik Zaro: So for a bit of background on my situation in 2014 I had a fairly significant back injury. I fell onto my lower back onto a very hard surface um and took an L. Three L four spinal injury that left me unable to walk for a couple of months. And even after the end, sort of major injury had cleared up, I was been left with persistent and constant back pain. Um This has left me basically unable to run and cycle, which were things that I had done very regularly. They were my sports of choice prior to my injury and I couldn't do them anymore because every time I did I would be left with sort of significant pain for the next couple of days. Um You know, unable to keep a schedule, unable to do the things that I had done previously. So I initially picked up weightlifting after this injury as a method to fight the pain by building strength. This did help somewhat, but it didn't alleviate this constant nagging pain that I've had and this pain has been ongoing ever since the time of that injury over eight years at this point, and eventually I joined the pain free ability program that introduced me to a new set of movements and tools. Um And as part of that I had found a couple of movements that were just major breakthroughs to my situation. Um I found movements that were finally able to sort of change and attack these points um in my body where I had significant tightness um and sort of for the source of my pains and at first it was just things started kind of to shift a bit as I pulled in new stretches, new movements um and then eventually the pain started to alleviate and I've now had a significant decrease in the amount of pain that I have every day where I used to sit at about a level three or level four on the scale of pain consistently. That's now changed to about a two um and is no longer constant. Um and it's kind of shifts around and I'm you know, still still on this journey, but I was able to finally make a breakthrough and realize that uh this situation is changeable and improve a ble. So not only has the pain free ability program given me the tools to physiologically change my situation. Um It also allowed me to have this mental break through that um you know, this pain I'm in isn't necessarily forever. There are things that I can find and tools that I can use to change my situation um and you know, that's really thanks to eric in a lot of ways for both, you know, creating the program I use in the way in which he organizes the program with such a wide array of movements um that allowed me to, you know, test things and figure out what worked for me and continue focusing on those areas um that worked the best for me and so I can say for anyone who is in a similar situation, um, you know, there, there's likely something out there that can change that can help you find a way to change your own situation, help you find a way to um, make that first step on your, you know, pain free um, journey because it really was sort of a life changing realization for me. You know, I've been living in the same pain for eight years now and finally realizing that there's something I can do about, it has just been phenomenal. Um, and the rapid change and improvement I'm seeing, um is really something that can't be overstated enough, so, and that is thanks in a major, major part to the pain free ability training.

How would you describe Pain Free Ability Training in three words?

Erik Zaro: if I could describe pain free ability training in three words, I would use um self enabling, accessible and set of tools, which is not quite one word, but I think fits here. Um it's accessible in that a lot of the movements start very simply and have, you know, various degrees of difficulty that you can build up in as you build strength. Um and as you build continued ability, you know, as part of your own training journey, um Self enabling in that you receive a lot of ways um and different sets of movements and these allow you to discover and then choose which of these movements work best for you and to focus in. Um and to focusing on your training for you know, whatever needs your body has as part of this program and then to set of tools um that kind of goes with self enabling a little bit as well. Um there's this massive new library of movements that you get to work through um with again varying degrees of difficulty um in addition to the movements that you can do and this set of tools is what allows you to continue building, continue training not just you know, as part of a class, but on your own time, once you discover what what works best for you

What makes Eric's methods and style of training different from other similar methods or services?

Erik Zaro: I think what sets erIC's training style apart from other similar methods, particularly in what comes to paying free ability is the organization and pacing of the program. There's this wide array of movements and an essentially unlimited way to modify each of these movements to any level of ability. This allows both absolute beginners and fitness experts to gain value from the same program because everyone's, you know, working through the same movements just adapted to their own particular style and sort of where they're at in their own journey. The program pacing is also very methodical and this ensures that everyone begins their journey at the right spot for themselves and begins by building a strong base as they progress. The focus is always on correct form and the right amount of push to ensure that this, you know, pain free ability program trans in the correct direction without suffering from injuries from over exertion or attempts to move too quickly to sort of the next level of any given movement. And so eric's dedication to ensuring quality movement sets this program apart from many other programs I've worked with before, or the focus may just be on, you know, doing things quickly or doing the maximum amount of reps or the most weight you can do. Um And this program is really focused on quality over quantity um and making sure that what you're doing is going to be beneficial to you rather than just trying to put up big numbers on a scoreboard. Um and that's really important, particularly for, you know, the people that this program is aimed at um and for people who are trying to get back from injuries or, you know, just just trying to change something about the way their body works. And this program is just fantastic for that.

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