
Agustin Pappolla for I'm speaking at ECTRIMS 2022

September 27, 2022

Video Transcript

Speaker: Agustin Pappolla, Vall d'Hebron Research Institute Barcelona

What inspired you to be part of the Scientific Programme at ECTRIMS 2022?

Agustin Pappolla: My name is Agustin Papolla, I'm an ECTRIMS 2021 Clinical Training Fellowship awardee and I think that what inspired me the most to be part of ECTRIMS 2022 Scientific Programme is to show the results that are associated to my ECTRIMS clinical fellowship regarding how treatment response scoring systems develop in patients that are initiating oral DMTs

What key insights do you plan to share during your session?

Agustin Pappolla: During our session, we plan to communicate how real score, which was the first treatment response scoring system, predicts not only relapses. disease progression and clinical activity, but also radiological activity, disease activity, whether evidence or non-evidence of this activity. And finally, treatment failure in patients who initiate oral disease modifying therapies.

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