
Fiona d'Young: I'm presenting at ECTRIMS 2024

August 02, 2024

Watch MS Clinical Nurse Fiona d'Young discuss her ECTRIMS 2024 presentation on the importance of patient self-management and self-advocacy in MS.

Video Transcript

Speaker: Fiona d'Young, MS Clinical Nurse Specialist, Auckland District Health Board Te Toka Tumai

What key insights will you be sharing in your session and why is this important?

Fiona d'Young: Hi. I'm Fiona d'Young. I will be presenting at the nursing section of ECTRIMS. I'm from New Zealand. You may not have even met someone from New Zealand before, so I look forward to catching up with you. Please come and say hello. I'm talking about patient self management and self advocacy. The superpowers, I think, that we as MS nurses and MS clinicians need to really grow in our patients. I think these two powerhouses have a significant impact into how well our patients do from diagnosis through the whole disease trajectory. And I'm going to be giving an overview of where things have been hitting, and what's happening in this space. And I look forward to sharing that with you.

Why is ECTRIMS 2024 a must-attend event for the MS and neurological research community?

Fiona d'Young: This will actually be my first trip to ECTRIMS. I've never had the good fortune to attend before living on the other side of the world. I feel for me ECTRIMS takes on some sort of mythical status. It's like the Olympics of MS care where you have so much talent and so much enthusiasm within one venue. And I think you know, that healthy, ongoing collaborative work, encouraging each other to excel in our research and our patient care is what it's all about. So therefore, a must attend event, which I am very much looking forward to.

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