
David Stansel-Garner for Eastside EDS Testimonials

August 08, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: David Stansel-Garner

Please introduce yourself and share how Eastside EDS has helped you.

David Stansel-Garner: Hi there. I'm David Stansel-Garner. Today, I wanted to share a bit about my journey with Elders Danlos Syndrome and how East Side EDS has been a beacon of hope for me. Before connecting with East Side EDS I often felt isolated thinking I was facing this condition alone. But this nonprofit introduced me to a community of incredible individuals who truly understand what living with EDS feels like. Every month we share, learn, and lean on each other. The resources and insights I've gained from this collective wisdom have been invaluable. I've learned strategies to manage my condition, techniques to cope on tough days. And most importantly, the reassurance that I'm not alone in this journey. And here's the most exciting part with the support and knowledge I've gained. I'm back to work part time, a goal that seemed a distance once. While my journey with EDS isn't without its challenges, having bad days and flare ups. I know that having East Side EDS community by my side makes all the difference.

Is there anything else you’d like to add?

David Stansel-Garner: If you or someone, you know, is navigating life with Ehlers Danlos. I encourage you to connect with Eastside EDS Their impact on my life has been immeasurable and I'm confident they can be a source of strength for many others. Thank you EastSide EDS for lighting the way.

Produced with Vocal Video