
From marketing manager to Enterprise BDR at Salesforce

February 25, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Michael Ridgewell, Enterprise BDR, Salesforce

What was the #1 misconception you had about landing a role in tech sales before the program?

Michael Ridgewell: Hello? Yeah, I would say my biggest misconception about textiles before completing the early work academy and learning my first role would have been It's a It's a big one. Probably just the culture workplace culture I've found. Um, you know, it's a a very welcoming environment. People really share information. It's not like a a lone Wolf, uh, sort of thing. Um, it really is a team kind of environment which, uh, was different to to what I would have expected.

What was the lightbulb moment when you knew software sales was going to be right for you?

Michael Ridgewell: Yeah. So my, uh, background is in really nothing to do with tech or or SAS or anything, uh, remotely to do with that world. So the light bulb moment for me was actually seeing the early work testimonials and, um, seeing the wide variety of backgrounds that that people had come from and then gone on to successfully land roles. And, um, I always was confident in my abilities, but, um, seeing others actually making the jump was really inspiring.

What advice would you give to someone tossing up between a sales role in software vs other industries?

Michael Ridgewell: my advice to anyone who might be on the fence or undecided about a career in tech sales would be Just go and jump on LinkedIn and have a look at people who've come through these STR or BDR roles at companies you want to work for and have a look at their career trajectories. That was something that really inspired me, Um, understanding how quickly people are able to sort of make these jumps, which in other industries can take decades literally, Um, that was super inspiring.

What advice would you give to people considering going through Earlywork Academy?

Michael Ridgewell: my advice to anybody considering going through the early work academy. Um, you know, if you're even remotely interested in tech sales, um, I would say just go for it. You're getting content that is relevant today. Uh, you're getting direct industry partnerships. You're getting a community of like minded people all going after the same thing in the same boat that you are, uh, and a payment structure that's tied to results. So it's, uh, a pretty good deal and 100% it worked for me and I couldn't recommend it anymore.

What role did the program play in landing a role at your current program?

Michael Ridgewell: I had worked for a fair amount of time in an industry that was, uh, pretty different to textiles. So I wasn't coming into this with any sort of technical understanding. Um, and that was a massive benefit to me of the early work Academy was just understanding the language and and how people in this world communicate. Uh, I felt super prepared for interviews and having access to the content and even the team themselves. To be able to ask questions was massively helpful. Um, and I felt very settled going into the interviews.

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