Speaker: Janet , USA
Janet : Hello, my name is Janet and I'm from California.
Can we see an example of the work you've done with Draw Awesome?
Janet : Here is my elephant from one of the charcoal exercises. I frankly didn't think I could draw this very well at the beginning. I'm not that crazy about charcoal - - at least I didn't think I was. I'd learned to love it through the various exercises we had to do, but the elephant is my favorite.
Before starting Draw Awesome, what was your level of art experience?
Janet : I would say my level is intermediate. I have taken too many art classes to count - online, reading art books, doing programs in person. I seem to make a little progress, but not enough to make me happy. And I'm on this eternal art treadmill, trying to get to where the art that I create makes me happy.
How do you think that Draw Awesome helped you?
Janet : The Draw Awesome class has been a total game changer for me. I tend to be the sort of person that starts a new project with great enthusiasm and a week later I'm discouraged and I throw all the art materials away. I sit around and try again later and I go through that same cycle. That is not what happens with this class. Number one - the instruction is so very clear and even though the initial project was very intimidating, the way it was explained was so easy to understand and easy to recreate. I just couldn't believe it when I got done. I was just totally amazed that I had actually drawn that. So it is a class that also keeps you engaged because you do see improvement, week after week. That was to me... ...it was just amazing! I'm still in the class and I still have not lost any enthusiasm for the program because the projects, although they may look difficult, are actually very do-able.
Finally, what are some of the things you like most about Draw Awseome? Would you recommend it to others?
Janet : I highly recommend the Draw Awesome class for anybody who wants to start drawing or improve their drawing. And even if you failed before or think you can't do this, I would let you know that that is not true. The way Phil explains things... ...it's so easy to understand. He has various techniques that no other art class I've taken, have they mentioned any of these approaches and it is just a total game changer for me. So if you have any interest in learning to draw or learning to draw better, this is the class for you!