Speaker: Beverly , UK
Beverly : Hi there, I'm Bev and I'm from North Yorkshire.
Can you show us some of your Draw Awesome artwork that you're most pleased with?
Beverly : This is one of the pieces that I've done with the Draw Awesome Course and I'm really proud of it. How I've managed the foreshortening... and you know, that it's a figure, which - figures are really hard! So I'm really, really proud of that and I'll just show you one of the animals that I've done - that's the rhino. So, in charcoal - the control I was able to get with the charcoal I was really pleased with... ...you know, getting shading and you know, producing something that actually looks like a rhino... and you know, is the right shape, etc. And the lighting, you know, just... ...I'm really - I am really proud of this.
Before starting Draw Awesome, what was your level of art experience and what did you struggle with?
Beverly : My experience of art has been as an older person. I never really did much art as a child, or at school. I never felt I was any good at it. I've always had a leaning towards art. I've always doodled and I've always wanted to do it. So once I became - I suppose -older, in that I could afford to have some tuition, life became a bit easier. I have had two tutors prior to Draw Awesome. One was more of an abstract art teacher and we did a number of... used a number of mediums with her - charcoal, watercolour, pencil...and my second art tutor preferred acrylics and we did realistic art with her. The thing that I struggle with is perspective and I think colours, as well... ...mixing colours. Those are my two things that I struggle with. Despite struggling, I still really enjoy making art.
How do you think that Draw Awesome has helped you?
Beverly : Since starting the Draw Awesome Course, I feel that my observation skills have improved enormously, due to Phil's tuition, which is just incredible and really suits me. I enjoy the lessons so much. So I think that - I know I've improved - - my husband's an artist and he's actually given me many more compliments on my pieces that I've produced during this Course, than ever before. So I know that certainly from an outsider's point of view, then I think my art has definitely improved. I also think my art's improved a lot - - I don't mind showing pieces to people now and yeah, I'm quite proud of what I've produced. I've only done two modules so far. I'm really, really looking forward to what comes next. I've always wanted to do ink and watercolour. I've admired paintings using those mediums and it's something that I am really, really looking forward to and I have no experience in that. So yes, that's my next thing! And I think ink is my next module as well anyway, so I'm looking forward to that!
Finally, do you like most about Draw Awseome and would you recommend it to others?
Beverly : What I like most about Draw Awesome is the range of mediums that's on the Course. So you go through graphite, charcoal, pen, watercolour - - loads of different mediums, which I really, really, you know, appreciate getting the experience in those different mediums. And also the variety of subjects as well. So, you know, we're doing figures, we're doing animals, we're doing landscapes. I just think the variety of what we go through in the lessons is phenomenal and I really appreciate Phil's tuition. He takes you through at a really steady pace. You can just pause the videos any time that you want. You can do it in whichever way you want. You know, it's quite flexible. There is quite a commitment to the Course, but I think that that's a good thing because, without it, you're not going to have that discipline to get down and spend that time doing it and it's well worth it. Absolutely well worth it. I am so, so pleased that I have, you know, decided to come on this Course and you know, I can't wait to do - see what comes next and to do the other modules. So a big thank you to Phil!