
Tal Zamirly 10 Years

March 01, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Tal Zamirly, Growth Specialist

Tal Zamirly: So I've been working in sales for the last 10 years and running Discovery Call in the entire time and I would recommend Charles for Discovery sessions because of two reasons. The first is that in all of those years of working in sales, I've had a lot of sales coaches and and often in those sessions it's really hard for them to understand what areas I need to work on and with Charles after two sessions, it was very clear on which areas I need to fine tune and work on in my Discovery call to reach the outcomes that I'm after. Um and the second one is that Charles also focuses quite a lot on what you do well and what areas within your sales process you might want to bring more out of, into the calls that you have um to really bring out the personality and your points of strength. Um and the reason why I think that's really important is that it brought out to my attention what I do well and what I don't do well and it brought out a lot of confidence in the things that I do well um that I then brought on to future discovery calls. So I would definitely recommend

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