
Clayton Courtney for Discovery Coach Video Testimonials

March 07, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Clayton Courtney, AE

Clayton Courtney: I think Charles really helped me with understanding how to ask better questions in short and with a certain directness to get to the actual information that you need. So almost setting parameters really. One thing that I was struggling with that Charles would help me with is kind of asking questions but not really getting the information that you really need to understand if you can or cannot help someone. So really helping me understand how to structure questions in a way that is non threatening and not too invasive, but also sets the kind of parameters so that people are giving me the type of information that I need rather than just kind of like a throwaway answer where I'm still thinking okay, but that that wasn't really helpful. So it helped me a lot in that respect.

What makes Charles' discovery coaching style different at all?

Clayton Courtney: I think I appreciated Charles' direct style. You know, you take the time to listen to something and then give me feedback whilst explaining the why, I'm the type of person that needs to, kind of understand why we might say something in a certain way or what it is that we're trying to achieve by doing that. And I feel that that Charles was good in kind of articulating the method behind the feedback that I was receiving, which really allowed me to kind of contextualize it and think how, okay, how would I deliver that? I think that the style just works with myself and I like to be quite direct and the way that Charles delivers feedback is somewhat direct and I appreciate that. And he was also, one thing I did pick up on about his coaching style, which I'm going to borrow is at the end of every coaching session, it was okay, what, what are you 2 to 3 biggest takeaways to really make me reflect and cement in what we've been discussing and how and why? It was valuable to me. So I appreciated that.

Why would you specifically recommend other AEs have discovery sessions with Charles?

Clayton Courtney: I'd recommend AEs have a conversation with Charles when you have reached a point at which you're pretty good at what you do. You're pretty comfortable navigating discovery calls. You're not afraid to ask questions, but you're really thinking of how you can level up the way that you're asking questions and the type of information that you're expecting to get from your questions. So I feel that Charles is a really good person to help you level up that approach and understand the why behind why you might change the approach.

Produced with Vocal Video