
Discovery 1:1 Sessions

October 19, 2022

Video Transcript

Speaker: Charles Muhlbauer, Founder , DiscoveryCoach.io

What does a coaching session with you look like?

Charles Muhlbauer: My coaching sessions really fall into three main categories. Category number one is having just a discussion around what you feel is working well for you, what's not working well for you, why you feel it's not working well, and then for us to come up with questions, better questions to ask instead of the questions that you might be asking right now, that's category number one. Category, number two would be to not only do that but also to understand what's actually happening under the hood and that is listening to a recorded call. I personally .... gain a lot of insight, make a lot of observations around the types of calls that you have, the tone, the questions, what's being missed, "process" questions versus "why" questions and so on and so forth as well as negotiating. And then the third category is strictly roleplay. Sometimes people won't know what to do in very, very specific situations well, we will role play it and anything that I coach, I ensure lands well with whomever I'm coaching, so that it is in your your voice, in your style, so that when you're executing it, you're fearless

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